
6 Tips for Integrating Video in Nonprofit Media Marketing

Social media platforms today are dominated by text and images. Consumers face a constant barrage of photos and updates, making it easy for an organization’s everyday messages to fade into the background. Videos bring something new and eye-catching to the table, and they are often easy to integrate into existing media platforms on a low budget. Use the following tips to best incorporate video into your social media marketing strategy.

1) Keep videos short and sweet

Most users’ social media feeds are already inundated with content. Messages that are too long or complex are often put off or overlooked completely. Keep videos short and to the point–under two minutes is ideal. Videos also need to catch and keep consumers’ attention. Use eye-catching headlines, bright colors, interesting graphics, and catchy music to get users interested and keep them watching. As attention spans become shorter, it’s important to keep viewers stimulated throughout a video.

2) Use video only where it makes sense

It might seem like common sense, but video is often used for content that could easily be conveyed in a traditional text format. Users cannot skim through a video the way they might with an article, so a video is a bit more of a commitment. Video can be a very useful tool, but should be reserved for specific scenarios. It’s best used for storytelling, interviews, and demonstrations. Videos can also help add a personal aspect to an otherwise conventional message–hearing someone speak about their experience is significantly more memorable than reading a quotation, in many cases.  In this Water4 video, Jimmy’s story is more relatable when told in his own words.

3) Utilize Vine

Vine, an app that allows users to create 7 second videos and post them through their mobile devices, is an easy, low-budget way to create video content. A follower base can be built up within the app itself, and seamless integration with Twitter and Facebook allow users to share Vines on multiple platforms. Because Vine is a mobile-based app, the videos are very accessible to viewers on mobile devices, and the bite-size format makes them easy to watch on the go. Vine is a great medium that allows users to get a little creative– perfect for a nonprofit trying to raise awareness and catch attention. Tenovus, a British Cancer charity, created a unique Vine to mark the anniversary of their Mobile Cancer Support service, seen here.

4) Use video across social media platforms

One of the major benefits of video is that it’s so multi-purpose. Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr all have fully integrated video uploading options, and YouTube videos can be embedded on virtually any website. However, it is important to keep videos consistent with the rest of your social media messaging. Match the tone and styling of text and image posts in new video content. Thorn, a nonprofit working to end online child trafficking, links directly from this video from the homepage of its website, making it a quick way for a viewer to get acquainted with their message.

5) Choose music wisely

The ability to include music is one of the best features of video content. However, it’s important to remember that music is a powerful tool. It can evoke emotional associations, both negative and positive. It fuels nostalgia and triggers memories. Catchy, recognizable tunes will make a video significantly more memorable. Like with any marketing tool, it is important to consider your audience as well as the tone you want to set went selecting music for a video. In certain cases, it may be best to exclude music altogether. Music can and will change the context of a video, and should be used carefully.

6) Use video to give background and behind-the-scenes info

Video content is an excellent opportunity to give your followers a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into your organization. Users who see text and image posts regularly might be extra intrigued by a chance to see the people and processes behind those posts, and gain insight into the organization they’re supporting. When a video helps a viewer feel like an “insider,” they might be more likely to like, share, and promote the video with their friends and colleagues. Although it’s not a nonprofit organization, this video from the Boston Red Sox Instagram account is a great example of an insider style video.

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